Golden Eagles

The Golden Eagles is a ministry available to all those who are 55 years or older. It is an excellent opportunity for fellowship centered around a planned event outside of church.

Typically, we meet every three or four months and we give participants plenty of notice as to the featured event and location. Depending upon where we are going, we gather at church at 10:15 a.m., for a brief meeting and prayer time, then we head out for our destination. 

Sadly during 2020, Covid prevented getting together at all.  We look forward to having that ministry up and running when it's safe and we can gather once again for food, fun and fellowship.

The Golden Eagles are run by Pastor Darrell House and his lovely wife, Karen. They coordinate the destination, send out invitations and lead the group during meetings and prayers. 

For more information, contact the church by calling 330-757-0736, or click on the link below.